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Name 姓名: Ee Soon Wei 余孙伟
Age 年龄: 30 Condition 病情: 胆道闭锁,急需肝脏移植手术 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Article: China Press |
Updates 6/12/2018
8th Nov Liver transplant surgery day
9th Nov 2nd major surgery was done to stop internal haemorrhage.
28th Nov 3rd surgery was to clean the wound and remove unhealthy skin tissues as my brother is having jialat wound infection.
After the transplant operation, my brother has to commit to lifetime immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) medication treatment. The body recognises that the new liver is foreign (it’s not originally part of the body). Thus, the immunosuppressive drugs reduce the strength of the body’s immune system to prevent liver rejection.
On the other hand, the immunosuppressant drugs are causing side effects like increase susceptibility to infection, high blood sugar level, delayed wound healing, cataract, weight gain, etc.
The growth of new liver stretches the stomach tissues, medications side effects, twice operations opening up the tummy and the poor body fitness and healing ability, all these factors contributed to the wound infection and slowed wound healing.
Currently the doctors are using a VAC therapy machine removing dirty fluids from the wound to reduce risk of infection and induce wound healing. They are also monitoring my brother’s body condition and liver function closely.
My brother has been staying in the hospital for almost a month since the transplant surgery. The journey of recovery is going to be challenging without your help and support. This is because my brother requires active follow up, blood test, frequently change wound dressing & rent the VAC machine for a few months.
Thank you Yayasan Nanyang Press for the continuous support and help, giving my brother the opportunity to be treated in SG NUH.
Please continue to show him your love and support by donating !!!! Please donate and share the post ! Thank you !
来自余珮君 (余孙伟的妹妹) 有关余孙伟的最新病情:
11月8日 肝移植手術
11月9日 內出血情況持續,進行第二次手術
11月28日 傷口癒合不如預期和發炎,進行第三次手術(主要是清理和切除不好的皮膚組織)
Updates 12/11/2018
Thanks to the incredible support and prayers from everyone of you, Jovin Ee’s recovery is progressing smoothly! He was transferred from HDU ward to normal ward this evening! While his liver donor and sister, Ee Pei Yi is now deemed fit for discharged tonight!
Without your support, we would not be able to come this far. So please keep up the momentum and support us to help Jovin Ee. We are still raising funds to cover the balance of his operation bills and follow up treatments expenses until he is fully recovered. We would really appreciate your kindness if you can share this news with your friends and family to promote fundraising.
Updates 11/11/2018
From Ee Pei Chin (Jovin’s younger sister)
“My brother is getting better now. The nurse is trying to let him eat through his mouth now. He is getting better so they have transferred him from ICU to high dependency ward “
“My sister (Ee Pei Yi)‘s liver is functioning well in Jovin’s body. All the blood test results showing the liver is good and Jovin’s overall physically condition has improved! “
“As for my elder sister, Pei Yi, she managed to take a bath by herself this morning. She is allowed to eat normal foods now. (YAYY! No more baby foods) She can sit up and walk for a short distance. “
“They are getting better and growing stronger.”
“Hope you guys are doing good and have a great day ahead.”
Updates 10/11/2018
Jovin Ee was sent to the ICU after a 13-hour liver transplant on November 8. His older sister Ee Pei Yi donated 60% of her liver to Jovin. The operation was very successful, and they are both currently in stable condition. Therefore, Pei Yi had been transferred from the HDU ward to the general ward last night. Her doctor said that her recovery has been going smoothly.
The only worrying issue was that Jovin Ee had been suffering from internal bleeding after surgery. The doctor said that his weaker blood vessels might have ruptured and caused internal bleeding. The doctor tried to use a laser to clear up his blood clots and stop the bleeding.
Jovin Ee’s younger sister Ee Pei Chin said: “I am very sorry that I really can’t bear to take pictures of my brother at this time to report my brother’s condition to the our generous donors and supporters. The reason is that he looks really miserable now…”
After a close observation, complicated blood transfusion, and blood tests, the doctor found that his red blood cell (RBC) index was still too low. Last night the medical team decided to perform emergency surgery for Jovin Ee to determine the area of internal bleeding.
After about two hours of surgery, the doctor has successfully stopped his internal bleeding. He is currently under the close monitoring by the medical team in ICU ward. Due to such unforeseen circumstances, requiring additional surgery also means that his medical expenses will increase again! We hope that everyone will continue to help share the message about Jovin Ee and help him to raise money for his medical expenses.
余孫偉在11月8日结束了长达13小时的肝移植手术后已被送到ICU 。他伟大的姐姐余珮儀把自己60%的肝捐了给孫偉。手术很成功,他们俩姐弟的情况至目前为止都还算稳定。昨晚珮儀已经从HDU 病房转到了普通病房。医生说她的康复速度非常好。
经过一天密切地观察、繁复地输血、抽血以及血液检查后,医生发现他的红血球(RBC) 指数依然过低。昨晚医生团队商讨后决定为他进行紧急手术以设法确定内出血的区域。
Updates 8/11/2018
Jovin Ee and her sister who is also his liver donor had been sent to the operation room at 8am this morning. We are thankful that the hospital finally agreed to proceed with SGD150,000 as the deposit although the deposit that they required earlier was higher than that. Thank you very much to everyone who had helped to share the fundraising news, as well as the donors who had contributed medical fund to Jovin!
Indeed very touching to see the encouragement message from Mdm Leong Fong Peng to Jovin. Mdm Leong was also Yayasan Nanyang Press’s liver transplant medical aid beneficiary who had discharged last month. Her condition is stable now.
All these positive results will not be possible without the great support and trust from our compassionate donors. Thank you very much for holding on together with Yayasan Nanyang Press to help the patients at their most difficult period.
Please continue to support the patients. We will do our very best to update you their progress.
Updates 6/11/2018
We have received an update from Ee Pei Jun (Ee Soon Wei’s sister), requesting our help with to raise money for her brother’s deposit of SGD160,000 to perform the transplant surgery.
Yayasan Nanyang Press, as of September 2018 has already transferred a sum of SGD180,000 to the hospital for his treatment and also deposit for the surgery. This amount of money was supposed to be enough for Soon Wei to cover his transplant fees and also hospital fees for the donor as well. However, in October, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and was admitted to the hospital on multiple occasions. Therefore, the planned date for the surgery was postponed again and again. Each unplanned hospital admission raises the hospital bills higher. Thankfully, his condition has stabilized now!
On a separate note, before Yayasan Nanyang Press accepted this case, Soon Wei’s family turned to relatives to borrow money, amounting to RM11,721.31 for the emergency treatment fees. Hence, Yayasan Nanyang Press has also accounted all the hospital invoices and reimbursed RM11,721.31 to Soon Wei’s sister.
All of this also means that the initial predicted hospital fees (SGD 228,000) would definitely be exceeded now. Adding to this is the relatively lower value of Malaysian Ringgit, impeding our efforts to raise funds for Soon Wei!
The hospital has decided to do the surgery on the 8th of November. As of now, Yayasan Nanyang Press needs to raise another SGD160,000 as deposit for the surgery.
Ee Pei Jun, who has been worried sick for her brother, wrote in a message saying:
“Soon Wei has been diagnosed with biliary atresia from birth. No matter how much he wished he could grow up healthy and happy like other people, reality seemed to only leave him embittered. Throughout his childhood, he was always getting pierced by needles for his blood tests. In spite of all that, he has always maintained a fighting spirit. Even until the day before he fell ill, he was even able to hold a steady job.”
“Thank you Yayasan Nanyang Press for helping my brother reach NUH, Singapore for a chance to save his life. As the day of the surgery draws near, I can finally start to feel hopeful again that my brother may be cured! Yet, the only thing that stands between my brother and a curative treatment now is the hospital fees. I hope everyone can help my brother go through this difficult phase!”
“Sincerely praying that everyone would share and empathize! And to those who have contributed and supported my cause, me and my family express our utmost gratitude!”
今天基金收到余珮君 (余孫偉的妹妹) 传来的简讯,主要是通知基金 – 医院负责人又再催促我们充值医疗抵押金 (SGD160,000)了!
南洋报业基金于2018年9月期间已汇了总额SGD180,000 给医院作为手术和医疗抵押金。原本这笔善款预计足够付还孫偉的肝移植手术抵押金以及肝捐赠者的测验。但在10月期间他的健康频频出现突发状况,而被送入医院好几回。手术排期也因此一拖再拖。每次入院都代表着医药费不断增高。庆幸目前他的情况已逐渐稳定!
另外,在基金接手个案并开始汇款给医院之前,病人向亲人借了RM11,721.31 用于付还紧急医药费。为此, 南洋报业基金已依据正版医药收据把RM 11,721.31 汇給孫偉的姐姐。
这一切意味着孫偉目前需要的善款肯定超越医院于8月提供的初步治疗费的预算( SGD 228,000)。除此以外,马币汇率下跌也直接影响我们必须为孫偉筹目的善款!
医院已确定将于2018年11月8日为孫偉进行肝移植手术。但前提是基金必须在手术前再次充值SGD160,000 的手术抵押金到医院的户口。
“感谢南洋报业基金的帮助让哥哥有了到新加坡国大医院(NUH) 接受专业治疗的机会。眼看期待已久的肝移植手術即将到来、哥哥重生的機會已近在眼前!但医药费成了我们目前最大的绊脚石 。希望大家愿意在这关键期帮助哥哥渡过难关!”
“诚心祈求大家幫忙分享和慷慨解囊! 对于大众们的付出与支持,我们全家深表感激!”
Updates 30/10/2018
A letter from Ee Pei Jun (Ee Soon Wei’s sister)
欲阅中文请滑下 :
Countdown to liver transplant surgery: 10 days
I have since August accompanied my brother Ee Soon Wei until today. I’ve seen him get admitted into hospital 4 times, rushed to the Emergency Department twice, and seen him get pricked by needles countless times. I know it must have been difficult for him. Thankfully, my brother has persevered and is also trying his best to fight this disease.
We received instructions by doctors to buy many different types of medicine for my brother. Due to my brother’s gradual but consistent loss of weight, he has started to show symptoms of muscle atrophy. So doctors are advising him to see a dietician and a physiotherapist to help him regain some physical strength. A well-guided diet and exercise has improved my brother’s overall physical strength. All of this, however, imposes a heavy burden on my brother’s hospitalization bill. At present, his hospital expenditure has already exceeded the hospital’s initial budget.
It is only 10 days more to the surgery. It isn’t a long time away, nor is it very short, as many things can happen during this period of time. I hope that from now until the day of my brother’s surgery, he is able to stay in a stable condition, and not have any sudden episodes of fever or inflammation!
Previously, Yayasan Nanyang Press has managed to collect a sum of RM680,000 for my brother. It was estimated that this amount would be sufficient for my brother’s surgery. But due to multiple unexpected changes in his condition, with the added cost to his pre-operative tests (such as CT scan, MRI, X-ray, blood tests, echocardiogram, dental and more), 3 other separate occasion of admission, treatment and medication, as well as the numerous outpatient visits to draw bloods and take medicine – we have already spent a large portion of the money. The deposit for the surgery is $160,000 SGD (RM500,000). Furthermore, if his post-operative recovery goes smoothly as planned, it is estimated that his in-hospital stay expenses would be around $20,000 SGD (RM60,000). Therefore, we would like to continue collecting funds. I hope everyone can understand, and help us through this tough times! Also, please help us spread the word and contribute however you can to help my brother! Thank you
Ee Pei Jun (Ee Soon Wei’s sister)
Updates 30/10/2018
来自余珮君 (余孙伟的妹妹) 的信 :
我们经常被医生指示到藥房为哥哥買很多各种不同的藥。 由于哥哥的體重不断下降,而他的肌肉也开始出现了萎縮的症状,所以医生另建议營養師和物理治療師为哥哥輔導和鍛鍊 。适当的飲食和運動的确加強了哥哥身體各部位的肌肉功能。这一系列突发状况,无形中加重了哥哥的医疗费。目前的医药费已经超出了医院当初的估计。
之前南洋报业基金成功为哥哥籌獲了马幣68萬。原本这笔善款是足够哥哥的手术费的。但計畫真的趕不上變化,扣除哥哥移植前的檢驗 (CT scan, MRI, X-ray, 血液細菌檢驗, Echocardiogram, dental,等等) , 另外3次的入院費+治療+藥物, 和期间进出抽血拿药的费用,我们已用了一大部分的医药费。手術費抵押金为新幣160k (RM500k)。此外, 如果他順利在手术后三星期出院, 那手術後的住院費預計是新幣20k(RM60k) 。因此,我們需要繼續籌款,希望大家慷慨解囊,幫助我們度過難關!也希望大家幫忙继续分享,有錢出錢,有力出力!感恩
余珮君 (余孙伟的妹妹) 上
Updates 9/8/2018
来自马六甲的余孙伟(30岁),出世后两个月大时就发现患上胆道闭锁,并在HKL进行了胆道切割手术。之后每年需要到医院复诊一次。 直至2018年5月,他突然发高烧及肚子疼到无法站立,于是到马六甲医院就医之后被转介到士拉央医院专科接受治疗。入院两天后,黄疸指数突然飙高,导致整个人的皮肤呈黄色。当时在医院住了近一个月,状况稍微好转后出院。 岂料出院后一个星期,病情复发,肾脏也受到感染,照成身体虚弱,送院后在HTU加护病房治疗到状况稳定后出院。医生说病者接受肝脏移植手术,但由于他有血管硬化,大马医院因技术问题无法进行该手术,因此建议他到新加坡National University Hospital接受肝脏移植手术,但需要找到合适的肝脏捐赠者。他目前肚子肿大、腰部疼痛及容易疲累。若不尽快进行肝脏移植将会有生命危险。 手术前病者需要到该医院进行一系列的健康检查,费用20千新币(逾60千令吉)。捐赠者的检验费用需约8千新币(逾24千令吉)。手术费用预算200千新币(逾600千令吉)。预算总共约680千马币,整个医疗过程约3个星期至一个月。成功率达90%。 余孙伟之前是在新加坡当电话销售,病发后变停止工作了。爸爸余天送是名建筑工人,妈妈陈瑞凤是家庭主妇。家里共有7个兄弟姐妹,他患病期间都是由妹妹余珮君(25岁)帮他奔波照顾他,妹妹也因此暂停了验光师的工作。 因此通过非政府组织Biliary atresia malaysia associations(BAMA)的协助下,向南洋报业基金申请医疗援助。 南洋报业基金受惠者杨珑儿与谢婉雯目前情况已稳定,因此两位小孩的家长决定将善款余额分别是RM660,852.85(杨珑儿)及RM4,954.80(谢琬雯)捐于余孙伟。因此目前尚缺约RM15,000的手术费.希望善心人士慷慨解囊,助他重拾健康生活。谢谢
Updates 9/8/2018
- 9 February 2019, 15:30
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