Single Mothers 【真善美】单亲妈妈

Links: Introduction 介绍 | News and Events 新闻/活动 | Job Opportunities 工作機會 | Aiding Programme 援助計劃 | Courses for Skills Development 技能课程

What is [Zhen Shan Mei]?

Single MothersSingle Mothers is an organization set up by Nanyang Press Foundation for the benefit of single mothers. This organization strives to protect and help single mothers out there. We named this organization in Chinese [Zhen Shan Mei]. The meaning of [Zhen Shan Mei] is to advise those single mothers do not afraid of being single again as this can turn out to be something better with their efforts. The inner positive spirit in [Zhen Shan Mei] is: The beauty of life, soul and mind.

We hope that the meaning of [Zhen Shan Mei] can be a guidance for any single mothers to move towards a better life!

Our Mission

  1. To provide Tele-coaching Helpline service to single mothers to assist their present dilemma and to extend appropriate assistance when needed.
  2. To provide training for Tele-coaching Helpline service to single mothers who have overcome their dilemma and subsequently, these single mothers will be able to involve in Tele-coaching Helpline service to help other single mothers based on their previous experience.
  3. To provide a forum for single mothers to communicate and exchange their thoughts.
  4. To unite single mothers and strengthen their personality, eliminating their fear by forming a support group exclusive for single mothers.
  5. To organize various Empowerment Workshops and Family Bonding Workshops beneficial to single mothers.

Our Vision

  1. To protect single mothers with different means such as Legal Helpline, Empowerment Workshops and Family Bonding Workshops.
  2. To help the poor single mothers out of poverty and be able to take care of themselves to live a better life.
  3. To provide an opportunity for those single mothers who have overcome their dilemma to help those who are not.
  4. To enlarge the members for [Zhen Shan Mei] in order to benefit more single mothers out there.

Latest newsFor the latest news and events on the Single Mothers project, please click here.

什么 是 [真善美]?

[真善美] 是 一个由南洋报业基金设立给单亲妈妈的团体协会, 希望表达的含义是: 每件事都有两面, 只要我们用另一个角度去看, 不好的也可以变得很美好. 像单人行的单, 表面很孤单, 但如果换另一个读音, 它也可以念成 shàn, 所以单也可以变善. [真善美] 希望给单亲妈妈带来的是: 真, 生活唯真; 善, 心灵唯善; 美, 精神唯美.

我们希望把 [真善美] 的精神内涵植入给单亲妈妈, 迈向一个美好的人生.


  1. 提供电话辅导给单亲妈妈, 扶持她们渡过难题和悲伤.
  2. 提供电话辅导培训课程给单亲妈妈, 让她们成为电话辅导员后帮助其他单亲妈妈.
  3. 给予单亲一个团结交流平台.
  4. 给予单亲妈妈 一个集聚正能量的中心点, 创造团结的力量.
  5. 提供各种身心健康的活动.


  1. 守护单亲妈妈. (法律咨询, 心灵辅助, 自我增值.)
  2. 帮助弱势的单亲妈妈自力脱贫, 有能力照顾自己, 创造美丽人生.
  3. 取之社会, 用之社会. 让已经走出阴霾的单亲妈妈投入公益活动, 帮助他人.
  4. 把 [真善美] 带到全马各地的单亲妈妈, 让更多单亲妈妈团结和享受团体福利.

Single mothers: phone hotline

Single mothers: tea session

Latest newsFor the latest news and events on the Single Mothers project, please click here.

Latest Activities
Piano Classes for People with Autism 《星儿电子琴班》
Lego Therapy for People with Autism 《治疗课程-乐高治疗》
Dancing Classes for People with Autism 《星儿舞蹈班》
Painting Classes for People with Autism 《星儿绘画班》
Learning Corner for the Siblings 《兄弟姐妹故事分享会》
Venue 地点: Yayasan Nanyang Press
Ukulele Classes for People with Autism 《星儿Ukulele班》
Venue 地点: Yayasan Nanyang Press