
Name 姓名: Chong Nee Chin 张妮君
Age 年龄: 36
Condition 病情: 患肾病后,健康一落千丈,无法工作,除了庞大的洗肾费用,膝下仍 育有3名子女。因此她与丈夫不得不向公众求援。

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Updates 18/9/2016



Chong Nee Chuin was diagnosed with end stage renal failure since year 2014. Yayasan Nanyang Press has been collecting funds for her, however, due to the rising cost of living, the funds have been insufficient for her future usage.

At the moment Yayasan Nanyang Press has raised a total of RM28,090 for her and by assisting her monthly living expenses, paying her RM1500 monthly. And now the fund has been decreased to RM1741.80. Hopefully the public would donate to her to let her children to be able to continue their studies.

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