Single mothers: tea session

Schedule of Morning Tea with Single Mothers 2012 真善美單親媽媽【早安茶】 2012

Venue 地點: Yayasan Nanyang Press 南洋報業基金 (3rd Floor)
Time 時間: 10am-12pm
Language 语言: Chinese 华语

*Sharing held on the first Sunday of every month by default, except public holiday or other arrangements 每個月的第一個禮星期天 (除了當天有事需特別安排或遇假日).

JAN08/01/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing: Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
FEB12/02/2012博愛 (賴裘華)財務管理/生涯規劃
Financial/Career Management
MARCH04/03/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing: Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
APRIL01/04/2012博愛 (翁月燕)心靈創傷
MAY13/05/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing:Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
JUNE03/06/2012博愛 (沈金央)空虛與圓滿 (身心靈)
Emptiness and Satisfactory (body & soul)
JULY01/07/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing: Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
AUG05/08/2012博愛 (賴裘華)親職教育
Education of Parenting
SEPT02/09/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing: Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
OCT07/10/2012博愛 (翁月燕)夢與理想
Dream & Ambition
NOV04/11/2012淨觀 (程漢生)临场疗愈:事业、财富、健康、关系、亲子、生命.
Healing: Career, Wealth, Health, Relationship, Parenting, Life.
DEC02/12/2012博愛 (沈金央)休閒身